Bringing Back the Balance: A Chiro Mom’s Perspective

Bringing Back the Balance: A Chiro Mom's Perspective

Bringing Back the Balance: A Chiro Mom’s Perspective

Author // Lisa Denardo

My introduction to chiropractic care came after the birth of my first child. As a new mother I found myself bombarded with facts, stories and ideas of what everyone else seemed to think was best for my child. Walking into a mom's group at my local chiropractor's office was like a breath of fresh air, confirming my natural mother's instincts that told me to trust in my ability to make good decisions for myself and my baby. Chiropractic care not only supported this drive toward finding myself as a new mother, but also taught me to trust the inner wisdom of my body.

I believe we are all seekers by nature, looking for answers that resonate deeply within us. Quite possibly these answers reside in the unmapped areas of our own truth. These answers might not necessarily be what the doctor would order, but in- stead are what might make sense to us as individuals. I try to listen to my heart when making decisions for myself, my children and my body. Our hearts hold a deep knowledge that is sure to guide us in the right direction if we take the time to listen.

"All paths are the same, leading nowhere. Therefore, pick a path with heart!" -Carlos Castaneda

Every living thing on our planet possesses an innate knowledge as it comes into creation. Wonderful examples of this can be found in nature. Each tree unfurls its leaves and blossoms at exactly the right moment for its personal stage of growth. We witness this same inner knowing unfold as a baby nurses for the first time, never having been taught to do so beforehand. As humans, we are all born with a natural drive to learn, create and be one with our surroundings. As we grow older, it seems that most of us forget this truth. We forget how our bodies are actually capable of functioning on their own, and that we do usually know what is best for ourselves and our children.

Life also holds an abundance of learning opportunities. There are times we may struggle to maintain a sense of balance and harmony in our lives. In these times, we all could use a gentle and loving reminder to help set us back on track. A hug from your partner after a trying day with the kids or a chiropractic adjustment after a collision playing tag might be just the nudge we need to fall back into step, emotionally and health-wise. These struggles also serve as a wake-up call, guiding us toward a new way of thought that nurtures who we are in a gentle and trusting way.

"We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations." -Charles R. Swindoll

As a homemaker and a mother, I am constantly surrounded by the everyday chaos of home life. When things get very chaotic, I have the opportunity to hear my lessons loud and clear. This is when I know that I need to slow down and focus on the things in my life that mean the most to me. All of the "other stuff" can wait. Similarly, our bodies find numerous ways to call us back to a place of overall well-being. Fevers ward off nasty intruders, diarrhea rids our body of harmful toxins, and major illnesses alert us to make major dietary and lifestyle changes. It is in these places of distress that we have the opportunity to strengthen our core, as well as to take a hard look at what life means to us. Everything happens for a reason and our bodies are constantly working toward a state of balance. Remembering how our body does these things to protect itself, we can trust that it can also heal itself properly without forced intrusion.

Chiropractic is one of the most profound forms of holistic healthcare that my family and I have experienced. When we visit the chiropractor, we receive a gentle adjustment, correcting subluxations and bringing our bodies and minds back to a place of balance and clarity. When our bodies are in balance, they can function at optimum levels. When our spines are aligned we can grow and thrive as we were intended to, warding off unnecessary illness and discomfort. We also feel at peace with ourselves and our surroundings when our minds are clear. This mentality gives my family freedom and ensures that our bodies are always functioning well.

Our bodies are our vehicles in this lifetime. Just as I treat my family gently and with respect, it's natural to treat my body the same way. Chiropractic provides a gentle approach to healthcare, nurturing us inside and out, and helping us to be the best we can be. Outside my body is my family; outside my family is society. As a whole we make up the world. If we take the time to nurture ourselves, our bodies and our children, we can affect the world as a whole and the future of the planet. The next time you feel out of balance or under the weather, take a few moments. Listen to what your body truly is saying.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." -Thomas Edison

Provided by Pathways to Family Wellness magazine, published by ICPA, Inc. For more information: and


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8:00am - 11:00am
2:00pm - 6:00pm

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2:00pm - 6:00pm


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High Point Chiropractic

83 Cambridge Street #1b
Burlington, MA 01803

(781) 365-0400
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